Eco-friendly house design in Adelaide


sustainable house designs adelaide

Eco friendly and sustainable, what’s the difference?

Many use the words eco-friendly and sustainable interchangeably, but they actually mean different things.

sustainable home is an energy efficient home that’s built or retrofitted in a way that uses human resources, building materials, energy and water in an efficient manner, reducing the carbon footprint and embodied energy. Sustainability focuses on the impact on future generations. A sustainable home focuses on the physical shell of the home and its construction. Sustainable homes are also Eco Friendly as they do have an immediate positive impact to the earth.

With Eco friendly homes, any home can become be an eco-friendly home by the immediate decisions the owners make. Eco friendly focuses on the immediate impact to the earth. Eco-friendly also refers to the practices that make someone more conscious about how they absorb natural resources. Daily habits including using less water, power, less plastic, daily recycling are common examples of ways that anyone can contribute to a greener environment.

Introduction to Eco friendly house design in Adelaide

Eco-friendly house design is not just a trend; it’s a commitment to sustainable living that reflects both an environmental ethic and a practical approach to homebuilding. In Adelaide with urban areas, seaside living, and hilly landscapes architects need to ensure our home designs sit beautifully into their surroundings and contribute positively to the environment. When you think about Adelaide and its long coastal stretches from North Haven’s Beach all the way down south to Sellicks Beach and all the Eastern suburbs stretching to Adelaide Hills, each area offers unique opportunities for sustainable building.

This blog explores what eco-friendly house design entails, the materials and technologies used, and the benefits they bring to homeowners. 

What is an eco-friendly house design?

An eco-friendly house is designed to reduce its environmental impact, focusing on correct orientation for energy efficiency, durability, and the use of sustainable or recycled materials. Given Adelaide’s Mediterranean climate—hot summers and mild, rainy winters—such homes are built to handle these conditions efficiently. Design features such as deep eaves, large overhangs/ alfresco’s to protect from the summer heat, whilst allowing the lower winter sun and installing solar panels are particularly effective here due to Adelaide’s high solar exposure, allowing for substantial energy generation year-round​. High level of insulation and water-saving fixtures are also a must in Eco friendly designs, helping homeowners save on energy costs reducing their carbon footprint.

Features of Eco-Friendly Houses

The design of eco-friendly houses is fundamentally about integrating design and technology to reduce environmental impact and enhance living quality. In Adelaide, architects should be specifying several advanced systems and strategies to achieve these goals:

Advanced Energy Systems

Solar PV Panels

Adelaide’s abundant sunshine makes solar energy an easy addition of eco-friendly house design. Beyond typical installations, some homes incorporate solar tiles that double as a roofing material, offering aesthetics and functionality.

High-quality insulation

Effective insulation is crucial in minimising energy loss. Materials like sustainable sheep’s wool, which offers excellent thermal properties, or new synthetic options that provide high R-values with minimal environmental impact are popular choices.

Smart home technologies

Technologies that automate energy use, such as programmable thermostats, intelligent lighting systems, and energy management systems, help significantly reduce energy consumption during the day.

Maximising natural light and ventilation

Natural light with correct orientation

Architectural designs often include features such as skylights, strategically placed windows, and vents that enhance natural light and air circulation, reducing the need for artificial light and air conditioning. For instance, clerestory windows can bring light into the core of the home without compromising privacy or insulation.

Thermal mass

Thermal mass, which involves materials that naturally regulate temperatures within the home, such as stone, brick and in certain areas of the home – reverse brick veneer, absorbs heat during the day and releases it at night, maintaining a comfortable indoor environment with less energy use.

Sustainable building materials

Eco friendly construction

Your choice of material is critical to eco-friendly construction. Locally sourced materials reduce carbon footprints associated with transportation.

For example, using Adelaide Hills sandstone:, locally made bricks from Little Hampton Bricks:, local timber suppliers such as Bone Timber not only supports local businesses but also aesthetically blends the structure into the local landscape.

Water conservation systems

Rainwater harvesting

Systems installed to collect and store rainwater for garden irrigation, laundry, shower and toilet flushing can drastically reduce the demand for municipal water supplies. Yvonne has designed a number of homes where recycled roof water is used throughout the home (except for drinking water).

Greywater recycling systems

These systems repurpose water from showers, sinks, and washing machines for non-potable uses, reducing the home’s overall water consumption. Properly designed systems ensure that this reuse does not compromise hygiene or comfort.


Materials used in eco-friendly houses

Your building material is essential if you are considering an eco-friendly house design. Yvonne Svensson Architect will recommend materials early at design stage and at working drawing stage specifies locally made and recycled materials.

Reclaimed and recycled materials

These materials are salvaged from old buildings, docks, and other structures. For example, windows, doors, old roof tiles and be easily reused into a new home or an extension to provide unique aesthetic qualities without the environmental cost. Reclaimed wood can be used for some structural components, flooring, and decorative elements, adding character and history to a home. Yvonne has contacts with local demolition contractors that can help source the materials needed/wanted for any project.

Low-VOC products

Low-VOC paints improve indoor air quality and reduce the risk of respiratory problems and other health issues associated with traditional paints.

Similarly, selecting low-VOC options for sealants and adhesives used in construction ensures healthier indoor environments by limiting the off-gassing of harmful chemicals.

Thermal mass materials

Stone and clay brick

These materials are excellent for regulating indoor temperatures because they absorb and store heat. Incorporating them into the design stabilises indoor environments, reducing the need for heating and cooling and integrating well with Adelaide’s varied climate, providing excellent relief during hot days and retaining warmth during cooler nights.

Green insulation options

Sheep’s wool and hemp insulation

These natural fibres offer superior thermal properties and are renewable resources. Unlike synthetic insulation, they are breathable and help regulate humidity within the home, improving comfort and air quality.

Eco-friendly finishes

Natural oil finishes

For wood treatments, natural oil finishes such as linseed or tung oil protect it from the harmful effects associated with synthetic varnishes. These oils penetrate deep into the wood, enhancing its durability and giving it a natural lustre that ages beautifully.  

Importance of eco-friendly living

Living in an eco-friendly home in Adelaide is not just about reducing utility bills or minimising environmental impact; it’s about creating a healthier living environment. These homes will have better air quality, natural light, and acoustics, contributing to overall well-being. Economically, eco-friendly houses can offer higher resale values due to their modern features and lower operational costs. Solar energy is a renewable resource that can help significantly decrease household energy costs, which is especially beneficial in Adelaide’s sunny climate​

Conclusion to eco-friendly house design in Adelaide

Choosing an eco-friendly house design in Adelaide is not just a decision for the present but a wise investment in your future and the planet’s. It ensures that your home is not only beautiful but also sustainable, offering long-term benefits that go beyond just financial savings.

Set up an initial consultation with Yvonne Svensson Architect to discuss further.